
Bulgarian Food Bank

The Bulgarian Food Bank is the place where we work to neutralize one of the most negative effects of the overconsumption – the food waste. The organization collects and manages donated food in full compliance with food safety standards, and provides long-term food aid to a broad public throughout the entire year.

UN Global Compact

The Global Compact is a space for shared values. It unites stakeholders from all around the world to discuss the most important and meaningful issues for humanity and aims at real change. The volunteer character, tolerance, sharing, joint initiatives, cultural exchange and practical view of the experts who “do” and not “declare”, create a new world community in which I believe.


My children, your children, our future. Eco-generation educates children and youth who work with them, and all adults who have missed the Earth lessons. To know the roots of humanity and its role in the circle of nature is part of the primary education. To live with care to environment is a sign of civilization.

Youth Entrepreneurial Marketplace

Where ideas meet money and contacts. I have always looked for opportunities to realize and fund the others’ ideas. Through YEM that we organize from 2010, we give them a chance to meet under one roof, pointing one aim – to create a new and successful business for youth and youth with disabilities.


Incredible in heritage of a wonderful Human! The Firefly is my gift from my communion with Mr. Donka Paprikova, who united the efforts of Bulgarian intelligence and through their poems and tales brought messages for our roots, primary virtues and the art of being humans. The little fireflies we work with become benefactors.


Some people have a different blood type – „Blagodeyatel” (benefactor). Тhey look like us, share our everyday living and challenges but somehow glow. They are more alive, more beautiful, happier, humbler, because they practice a special spiritual practice. It is called „love, acceptance and compassion”. They are rich, because always have something to give to the others. I’m blessed to know more than 300 Bulgarian benefactors.

For 300 babies more

As a woman and mother I believe that we have one primary and extremely important role – to give birth. It is a difficult way, and usually lonely. Every future mom has the right to respect, compassion and support. The right of professional treatment and care during the pregnancy and birth giving is a sacred right than protects women and reflects the values of society.

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